Wednesday 26 November 2008

Wenger negotiated meaning

Dave White "online spaces (SL) are the most 'extreme' examples of Wenger's negotiated meaning

Thursday 23 October 2008

A post from the Grid

Object-Name: SocNet slurlblogger v0.41
Region: Teaching 2 (252416, 231168)
Local-Position: (237, 68, 24)

<a href="">Teaching 2 237,68,24</a> - While visiting this location I received a group notice from Gilbert Sapwood: he will be telling a story in twitter all week long, Great Idea ! I have already read the beginning, if you are curious follow him at

Monday 20 October 2008

A post from the Grid

Object-Name: SocNet slurlblogger v0.41
Region: ANGEL Learning Isle (249856, 281600)
Local-Position: (67, 148, 24)

<a href="">EdTech 135,12,684</a> - testing

<a href="">Asim Zahra 187,176,27</a> - testing

<a href="">Asim Zahra 187,176,27</a> - i hope this works..

<a href="">Solent Life 134,125,25</a> - I started at Genome Island (doing scientific studies), but somehow I couldn't get my blogging tool to work. I went around on the tour of the island, the gardens, the terraces and many other beautiful sites. There were people talking about rehersals and bus tours and what to make for dinner. The place was very empty. At first look, it didn't strike me as a place for genetic research.

<a href="">Solent Life 134,125,25</a> - I am now here at Solent Life, a more techy place compared to Genome Island. The stage looks like a runway for a fashion show. It has something that looks like a steamy pool in the middle of it. I think to some extent this can be intimidating for some students, to be in this kind of environment...very spacious...implies limited 'relations' and personal interactions with one another.

<a href="">ANGEL Learning Isle 67,148,25</a> - The setup of Angel learning isle includes lots of room to socialize and interact with others. Many of the rooms were equppied with chairs, games, talbes and just things to do. Even outside had those umbrella tables for people to sit and enjoy.

A post from the Grid

Object-Name: SocNet slurlblogger v0.41
Region: Solent Life (287232, 293376)
Local-Position: (134, 125, 24)

<a href="">EdTech 135,12,684</a> - testing

<a href="">Asim Zahra 187,176,27</a> - testing

<a href="">Asim Zahra 187,176,27</a> - i hope this works..

<a href="">Solent Life 134,125,25</a> - I started at Genome Island (doing scientific studies), but somehow I couldn't get my blogging tool to work. I went around on the tour of the island, the gardens, the terraces and many other beautiful sites. There were people talking about rehersals and bus tours and what to make for dinner. The place was very empty. At first look, it didn't strike me as a place for genetic research.

A post from the Grid

Object-Name: SocNet slurlblogger v0.41
Region: Asim Zahra (253440, 254464)
Local-Position: (186, 176, 26)

<a href="">EdTech 135,12,684</a> - testing

<a href="">Asim Zahra 187,176,27</a> - testing

<a href="">Asim Zahra 187,176,27</a> - i hope this works..

A post from the Grid

Object-Name: SocNet slurlblogger v0.41
Region: Solent Life (287232, 293376)
Local-Position: (174, 137, 24)

<a href="">Solent Life 174,137,25</a> - "nice" not "mice" lol

A post from the Grid

Object-Name: SocNet slurlblogger v0.41
Region: Teaching 2 (252416, 231168)
Local-Position: (142, 26, 21)

<a href="">Teaching 2 163,130,25</a> - I'm visiting the picture exibit, mice to use those images to foster student brainstorming and activate a creative writing lab

figuring out the SLurlBlogger HUD

Object-Name: Slurlblogger v0.41
Region: EdTech (345856, 301056)
Local-Position: (131, 16, 684)

<a href="">EdTech 131,17,685</a> - hello? can you hear me?

A post from the Grid

Object-Name: SocNet slurlblogger v0.41
Region: EdTech (345856, 301056)
Local-Position: (131, 17, 684)

<a href="">EdTech 131,17,684</a> - Hi

<a href="">EdTech 131,17,684</a> - prova

<a href="">EdTech 131,17,684</a> - hi


Test test test

A post from the Grid

Object-Name: SocNet annie slurlblogger v0.41
Region: EdTech (345856, 301056)
Local-Position: (131, 12, 684)

<a href="">New Hope 106,222,22</a> - bla bal bla

<a href="">New Hope 106,222,22</a> - testing testing

<a href="">EdTech 132,13,684</a> - sending a message to the blog